
Salafīyyah.net | Statements of the Pious Predecessors

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There is no backbiting for an innovator

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#backbiting-innovator

al-Hasan al-Basri (رضي الله عنه) said:

"There is no ghibah (backbiting) for the person of innovation (i.e, dispraising him is not considered ghibah)."

al-Kifayah 430, ash-Shu'ab (6793, 9675).

Returning an affair back to Allāh and returning back to the Messenger after his death

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#returning-affairs

Maimūn ibn Mihrān said regarding the statement of Allāh (عز و جل):

'And if you differ in an issue then return it back to Allāh and His Messenger if you believe in Allāh and the last day.' (4:59) — he said: "Returning an affair back to Allāh is to return it back to His book and returning back to the Messenger after his death, is to return it back to his Sunnah."

al-Ibānatul-Kubrā 58, at-Tabarī 5/151, etc.

Don't leave anything from the affairs of the Prophet (ﷺ)

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#leaving-prophets-affairs

Abū Bakr (رضي الله عنه) said:

"I did not leave anything that Allāh's Messenger (ﷺ) did except that I did it for indeed, I fear that if I left anything from his affair I would deviate."

Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 3093, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1759.

Abū Bakr (رضي الله عنه) was the first to gather the Qurʾān

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#first-to-gather-quran

ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib (رضي الله عنه) said:

"The person with the greatest reward concerning the muṣḥaf is Abū Bakr. Indeed, Abū Bakr was the first to gather the Qurʾān between two covers."

Faḍā’il aṣ-Ṣaḥābah 513. graded Ḥasan by al-Ḥāfidh ibn Hajar.

The Sunnah is the firm rope of Allāh (?)

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#firm-rope

Abū Bakr (رضي الله عنه) said:

"The Sunnah is the firm rope of Allāh, whosoever abandons it, then he has severed his rope from Allāh."

This narration with this wording is not present from Abū Bakr, however there is a popular narration with the wording in Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 3093: "I will not leave anything the Messenger used to do except that I perform it. For indeed I fear that If I leave something from his affair that I will go astray."

Beware of falsely altering the Qurʾān

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#falsely-altering-quran

ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (رضي الله عنه) said:

"The Qurʾān is the speech of Allāh, so do not distort it and thereby change it (through false interpretation) to something else!"

as-Sunan ad-Dārimī 3358, as-Sunnah 1/144-145, etc.

In ash-Sharīʿah 156, this narration has the wording: "The Qurʾān is the speech of Allāh so do not deviate its meanings with your opinions.", in its chain of narration is Laith ibn Abī Sulaim who is weak.

The Sunnah has jurisdiction over the Qurʾān (?)

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#sunnah-jurisdiction

Yaḥyā ibn Abī Kathīr said:

"The Sunnah has jurisdiction over the book (i.e, the Qurʾān), but the book has no jurisdiction over the Sunnah."

al-Ibānatul-Kubrā 88/89, as-Sunan ad-Dārimī 587, etc.

In Dhammul-Kalām 213, Imām Aḥmad said regarding this statement: "I am not bold enough to say that, but the Sunnah explains the Qurʾān and clarifies it."

Beware of swearing by other than Allāh

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#swearing-other-than-allah

ibn Masʽūd (رضي الله عنه) said:

"To swear by Allāh while lying is more beloved to me than to swear by other than Him while speaking the truth."

al-Muṣannaf 8/468 #15929.

The people of opinion are enemies of the Sunan

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#people-of-opinion

ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (رضي الله عنه) said:

"The people of opinion are the enemies of the Sunan! They became fatigued with memorizing hadīth, thus it (i.e, Hadīth) escaped them, and they did not understand them, so they began to speak with opinion, thus they went astray and lead others astray."

as-Sunan ad-Dārimī 4280, al-Lillakā’ī 201, etc.

Beware of speaking about the Qurʾān without knowledge

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#speaking-quran

Abū Bakr (رضي الله عنه) said:

"Which sky shall shelter me, and which earth shall hold me, if I were to say about the book of Allāh what I do not know!"

at-Tabarī 1/35, Jāmiʿu Bayānil-ʿIlm’ 2/833/1561, etc.

One who leaves the Jamāʾah has the death of pre-Islāmic ignorance

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#leaving-jamaah

ibn ʿAbbās (رضي الله عنه) said:

"Whoever splits away from the Jamāʾah then dies, his death is the death of pre-Islāmic ignorance."

as-Sunnah 22.

Leaving the Sunnah is disbelief

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#leaving-sunnah

ibn ʿUmar said:

"Whoever leaves the Sunnah disbelieves."

al-Muṣannaf 4381, al-Muntakhab 820, etc.

Using Āyat of the Qurʾān against other Āyat

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#using-ayat-against-ayat

ibn ʿAbbās (رضي الله عنه) said:

"Do not use the book of Allāh against itself (i.e., use some āyat as arguments against others)."

as-Sunnah 1953, Dhammul-Kalām 171, etc.

Whoever follows innovation has removed the yoke of Islām from his neck

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#following-innovation

ibn ʿAbbās (رضي الله عنه) said:

"Whoever attests to, and agrees with, one of these newly invented titles, then he has removed the yoke of Islām from his neck."

Dhammul-Kalām 720, and al-Ibānatul-Kubrā 245.

Remain upon uprightness and do not innovate

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#remain-upright

ʿUthmān ibn Hādhir al-Azdī said:

"I entered upon ibn ʿAbbās (رضي الله عنه) and said: 'Advice me!' He said: 'Remain upon uprightness, follow (i.e., the Sunnah) and do not innovate!'"

Dhammul-Kalām 334, and al-Ibānatul-Kubrā 157.

One who does not know the time of ignorance will lose his Islām

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#time-of-ignorance

ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (رضي الله عنه) said:

"The bonds of Islām will be undone one by one only if there arise people in Islām who never knew the time of ignorance."

Dar at-Ta’arud al-’Aql wan-Naql 5/259, Manhaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah 4/590, etc.

Do not sit with the people of innovation

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#sitting-with-innovators

ibn al-Mubārak (رحمه الله) said:

"Indeed Allāh has angels who seek out circles of remembrance, so look to who you sit with, do not accompany people of innovation for indeed Allāh does not look at them. A sign of hypocrisy is that one sits and stands with the people of innovation."

Fudhail ibn ʿIyādh 438, al-Lillakā’ī 265 which appears to be correct, and Allāh knows best.

Beware of sitting with the people of desires

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#desires

ibn ʿAbbās (رضي الله عنه) said:

"Do not sit with the people of desires, for indeed, sitting with them causes a sickness within the hearts."

al-Ibānatul-Kubrā 371.

Two Āyat heavy on those who argue with the Qurʾān

Link : https://salafiyyah.net/#two-ayat

Abu ʿĀliyah (رضي الله عنه) said:

"There are two Āyat in the book of Allāh that are very heavy upon those who argue with the Qurʾān: 'No one argues concerning the Ayat of Allāh except those who disbelieve' (40:4) and 'Indeed those who have differed over the book are in distant splitting.' (2:176)"

al-Ibānatul-Kubrā 540/541.